
Inherits: Node < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Helper to generate previews of reources or files.

Member Functions

void add_preview_generator ( EditorResourcePreviewGenerator generator )
void check_for_invalidation ( String path )
void queue_edited_resource_preview ( Resource resource, Object receiver, String receiver_func, Variant userdata )
void queue_resource_preview ( String path, Object receiver, String receiver_func, Variant userdata )
void remove_preview_generator ( EditorResourcePreviewGenerator generator )


  • preview_invalidated ( String path )

If a preview was invalidated (changed) this signal will emit (using the path of the preview)


This object is used to generate previews for resources of files.

Member Function Description

Create an own, custom preview generator.

  • void check_for_invalidation ( String path )

Check if the resource changed, if so it will be invalidated and the corresponding signal emitted.

Queue a resource being edited for preview (using an instance). Once the preview is ready, your receiver.receiver_func will be called either containing the preview texture or an empty texure (if no preview was possible). Callback must have the format: (path,texture,userdata). Userdata can be anything.

Queue a resource file for preview (using a path). Once the preview is ready, your receiver.receiver_func will be called either containing the preview texture or an empty texure (if no preview was possible). Callback must have the format: (path,texture,userdata). Userdata can be anything.

Remove a custom preview generator.