
Category: Built-In Types

Brief Description

Generic array datatype.

Member Functions

Array Array ( PoolColorArray from )
Array Array ( PoolVector3Array from )
Array Array ( PoolVector2Array from )
Array Array ( PoolStringArray from )
Array Array ( PoolRealArray from )
Array Array ( PoolIntArray from )
Array Array ( PoolByteArray from )
void append ( var value )
void back ( )
void clear ( )
int count ( var value )
bool empty ( )
void erase ( var value )
int find ( var what, int from=0 )
int find_last ( var value )
void front ( )
bool has ( var value )
int hash ( )
void insert ( int pos, var value )
void invert ( )
void pop_back ( )
void pop_front ( )
void push_back ( var value )
void push_front ( var value )
void remove ( int pos )
void resize ( int pos )
int rfind ( var what, int from=-1 )
int size ( )
void sort ( )
void sort_custom ( Object obj, String func )


Generic array, contains several elements of any type, accessible by numerical index starting at 0. Negative indices can be used to count from the right, like in Python. Arrays are always passed by reference.

Member Function Description

Construct an array from a PoolColorArray.

Construct an array from a PoolVector3Array.

Construct an array from a PoolVector2Array.

Construct an array from a PoolStringArray.

Construct an array from a PoolRealArray.

Construct an array from a PoolIntArray.

Construct an array from a PoolByteArray.

  • void append ( var value )

Append an element at the end of the array (alias of push_back).

  • void back ( )

Returns the last element of the array if the array is not empty (size>0).

  • void clear ( )

Clear the array (resize to 0).

  • int count ( var value )

Return the amount of times an element is in the array.

Return true if the array is empty (size==0).

  • void erase ( var value )

Remove the first occurrence of a value from the array.

  • int find ( var what, int from=0 )

Searches the array for a value and returns its index or -1 if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed.

  • int find_last ( var value )

Searches the array in reverse order for a value and returns its index or -1 if not found.

  • void front ( )

Returns the first element of the array if the array is not empty (size>0).

  • bool has ( var value )

Return true if the array contains given value.

[ "inside", 7 ].has("inside") == true
[ "inside", 7 ].has("outside") == false
[ "inside", 7 ].has(7) == true
[ "inside", 7 ].has("7") == false

Return a hashed integer value representing the array contents.

  • void insert ( int pos, var value )

Insert a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array (pos==size()).

  • void invert ( )

Reverse the order of the elements in the array (so first element will now be the last).

  • void pop_back ( )

Remove the last element of the array.

  • void pop_front ( )

Remove the first element of the array.

  • void push_back ( var value )

Append an element at the end of the array.

  • void push_front ( var value )

Add an element at the beginning of the array.

  • void remove ( int pos )

Remove an element from the array by index.

  • void resize ( int pos )

Resize the array to contain a different number of elements. If the array size is smaller, elements are cleared, if bigger, new elements are Null.

  • int rfind ( var what, int from=-1 )

Searches the array in reverse order. Optionally, a start search index can be passed. If negative, the start index is considered relative to the end of the array.

Return the amount of elements in the array.

  • void sort ( )

Sort the array using natural order.

Sort the array using a custom method. The arguments are an object that holds the method and the name of such method. The custom method receives two arguments (a pair of elements from the array) and must return true if the first argument is less than the second, and return false otherwise.