
Inherits: PhysicsBody < CollisionObject < Spatial < Node < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Member Functions

float get_brake ( ) const
float get_engine_force ( ) const
float get_friction ( ) const
Vector3 get_linear_velocity ( ) const
float get_mass ( ) const
float get_steering ( ) const
void set_brake ( float brake )
void set_engine_force ( float engine_force )
void set_friction ( float friction )
void set_mass ( float mass )
void set_steering ( float steering )

Member Variables

Member Function Description

  • float get_brake ( ) const
  • float get_engine_force ( ) const
  • float get_friction ( ) const
  • Vector3 get_linear_velocity ( ) const

Returns the VehicleBody’s velocity vector. To get the absolute speed in scalar value, get the length of the return vector in pixels/second. Example:

# vehicle is an instance of VehicleBody
var speed = vehicle.get_linear_velocity().length()
  • float get_mass ( ) const
  • float get_steering ( ) const

Return the steering angle (in radians).

  • void set_brake ( float brake )
  • void set_engine_force ( float engine_force )
  • void set_friction ( float friction )
  • void set_mass ( float mass )
  • void set_steering ( float steering )

Set the steering angle (in radians).