
Category: Built-In Types

Brief Description

Axis-Aligned Bounding Box.

Member Variables


Rect3 provides an 3D Axis-Aligned Bounding Box. It consists of a position, a size, and several utility functions. It is typically used for simple (fast) overlap tests.

Member Function Description

Optional constructor, accepts position and size.

Return true if this Rect3 completely encloses another one.

Return this Rect3 expanded to include a given point.

Get the area of the Rect3.

Get the position of the 8 endpoints of the Rect3 in space.

Return the normalized longest axis of the Rect3.

  • int get_longest_axis_index ( )

Return the index of the longest axis of the Rect3 (according to Vector3::AXIS* enum).

  • float get_longest_axis_size ( )

Return the scalar length of the longest axis of the Rect3.

Return the normalized shortest axis of the Rect3.

  • int get_shortest_axis_index ( )

Return the index of the shortest axis of the Rect3 (according to Vector3::AXIS* enum).

  • float get_shortest_axis_size ( )

Return the scalar length of the shortest axis of the Rect3.

Return the support point in a given direction. This is useful for collision detection algorithms.

Return a copy of the Rect3 grown a given amount of units towards all the sides.

  • bool has_no_area ( )

Return true if the Rect3 is flat or empty.

  • bool has_no_surface ( )

Return true if the Rect3 is empty.

Return true if the Rect3 contains a point.

Return the intersection between two Rect3. An empty Rect3 (size 0,0,0) is returned on failure.

Return true if the Rect3 overlaps with another.

Return true if the Rect3 is at both sides of a plane.

Return true if the Rect3 intersects the line segment between from and to

Combine this Rect3 with another, a larger one is returned that contains both.