
Inherits: Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Inherited By: SpinBox, ScrollBar, ProgressBar, TextureProgress, Slider

Category: Core

Brief Description

Abstract base class for range-based controls.

Member Functions

float get_as_ratio ( ) const
float get_max ( ) const
float get_min ( ) const
float get_page ( ) const
float get_step ( ) const
float get_value ( ) const
bool is_ratio_exp ( ) const
bool is_using_rounded_values ( ) const
void set_as_ratio ( float value )
void set_exp_ratio ( bool enabled )
void set_max ( float maximum )
void set_min ( float minimum )
void set_page ( float pagesize )
void set_step ( float step )
void set_use_rounded_values ( bool enabled )
void set_value ( float value )
void share ( Node with )
void unshare ( )


  • changed ( )

This signal is emitted when min, max, range or step change.

  • value_changed ( float value )

This signal is emitted when value changes.


Range is a base class for Control nodes that change a floating point value between a minimum and a maximum, using step and page, for example a ScrollBar.

Member Function Description

  • float get_as_ratio ( ) const

Return value mapped to 0 to 1 range.

  • float get_max ( ) const

Return the maximum value.

  • float get_min ( ) const

Return the minimum value.

  • float get_page ( ) const

Return the page size, if page is 0, paging is disabled.

  • float get_step ( ) const

Return the stepping, if step is 0, stepping is disabled.

  • float get_value ( ) const
  • bool is_ratio_exp ( ) const
  • bool is_using_rounded_values ( ) const
  • void set_as_ratio ( float value )

Set value mapped to 0 to 1 (unit) range, it will then be converted to the actual value within min and max.

  • void set_exp_ratio ( bool enabled )
  • void set_max ( float maximum )
  • void set_min ( float minimum )

Set minimum value, clamped range value to it if it’s less.

  • void set_page ( float pagesize )

Set page size. Page is mainly used for scrollbars or anything that controls text scrolling.

  • void set_step ( float step )

Set step value. If step is 0, stepping will be disabled.

  • void set_use_rounded_values ( bool enabled )
  • void set_value ( float value )
  • void share ( Node with )
  • void unshare ( )