
Inherits: Resource < Reference < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Library that contains a collection of samples.

Member Functions

void add_sample ( String name, Sample sample )
Sample get_sample ( String name ) const
Array get_sample_list ( ) const
bool has_sample ( String name ) const
void remove_sample ( String name )
float sample_get_pitch_scale ( String name ) const
int sample_get_priority ( String name ) const
float sample_get_volume_db ( String name ) const
void sample_set_pitch_scale ( String name, float pitch )
void sample_set_priority ( String name, int priority )
void sample_set_volume_db ( String name, float db )


Library that contains a collection of Sample, each identified by a text ID. This is used as a data container for the majority of the SamplePlayer classes and derivatives.

Sample players will never yield an active (currently playing) voice for a new playback request when there are no inactive voices available if the priority of the sample requested to be played is lower than that of every currently played samples.

Member Function Description

  • void add_sample ( String name, Sample sample )

Add a sample to the library, with a given text ID.

  • Sample get_sample ( String name ) const

Return the sample from the library matching the given text ID. Return null if the sample is not found.

  • Array get_sample_list ( ) const

Return true if the sample text ID exists in the library.

  • void remove_sample ( String name )

Remove the sample matching the given text ID.

Return the pitch scale for the given sample.

  • int sample_get_priority ( String name ) const

Return the priority for the given sample.

Return the volume (in dB) for the given sample.

  • void sample_set_pitch_scale ( String name, float pitch )

Set the pitch scale for the given sample.

  • void sample_set_priority ( String name, int priority )

Set the priority for the given sample.

Set the volume (in dB) for the given sample.