
Category: Built-In Types

Brief Description

An Array of Vector2.

Member Functions

PoolVector2Array PoolVector2Array ( Array from )
void append ( Vector2 vector2 )
void append_array ( PoolVector2Array array )
int insert ( int idx, Vector2 vector2 )
void invert ( )
void push_back ( Vector2 vector2 )
void remove ( int idx )
void resize ( int idx )
void set ( int idx, Vector2 vector2 )
int size ( )


An Array specifically designed to hold Vector2.

Member Function Description

Construct a new PoolVector2Array. Optionally, you can pass in an Array that will be converted.

Append an element at the end of the array (alias of push_back).

Append an PoolVector2Array at the end of this array.

Insert a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array (pos==size()).

  • void invert ( )

Reverse the order of the elements in the array (so first element will now be the last).

  • void push_back ( Vector2 vector2 )

Insert a Vector2 at the end.

  • void remove ( int idx )

Remove an element from the array by index.

  • void resize ( int idx )

Set the size of the PoolVector2Array. If larger than the current size it will reserve some space beforehand, and if it is smaller it will cut off the array.

Change the Vector2 at the given index.

Return the size of the array.