.. Generated automatically by doc/tools/makerst.py in Godot's source tree. .. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, but the doc/base/classes.xml source instead. .. _class_VisibilityNotifier: VisibilityNotifier ================== **Inherits:** :ref:`Spatial` **<** :ref:`Node` **<** :ref:`Object` **Inherited By:** :ref:`VisibilityEnabler` **Category:** Core Brief Description ----------------- Detect when the node is visible on screen. Member Functions ---------------- +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`Rect3` | :ref:`get_aabb` **(** **)** const | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`bool` | :ref:`is_on_screen` **(** **)** const | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | void | :ref:`set_aabb` **(** :ref:`Rect3` rect **)** | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Signals ------- - **enter_camera** **(** :ref:`Object` camera **)** Emitted when the VisibilityNotifier enters a :ref:`Camera`'s view. - **enter_screen** **(** **)** Emitted when the VisibilityNotifier enters the screen. - **exit_camera** **(** :ref:`Object` camera **)** Emitted when the VisibilityNotifier exits a :ref:`Camera`'s view. - **exit_screen** **(** **)** Emitted when the VisibilityNotifier exits the screen. Description ----------- The VisibilityNotifier is used to notify when its bounding box enters the screen, is visible on the screen, or when it exits the screen. Member Function Description --------------------------- .. _class_VisibilityNotifier_get_aabb: - :ref:`Rect3` **get_aabb** **(** **)** const Return the visibility bounding box of the VisibilityNotifier. .. _class_VisibilityNotifier_is_on_screen: - :ref:`bool` **is_on_screen** **(** **)** const Return true if any part of the bounding box is on the screen. .. _class_VisibilityNotifier_set_aabb: - void **set_aabb** **(** :ref:`Rect3` rect **)** Set the visibility bounding box of the VisibilityNotifier.