.. Generated automatically by doc/tools/makerst.py in Godot's source tree. .. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, but the doc/base/classes.xml source instead. .. _class_VisibilityEnabler2D: VisibilityEnabler2D =================== **Inherits:** :ref:`VisibilityNotifier2D` **<** :ref:`Node2D` **<** :ref:`CanvasItem` **<** :ref:`Node` **<** :ref:`Object` **Category:** Core Brief Description ----------------- Enable certain nodes only when visible. Member Functions ---------------- +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`bool` | :ref:`is_enabler_enabled` **(** :ref:`int` enabler **)** const | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | void | :ref:`set_enabler` **(** :ref:`int` enabler, :ref:`bool` enabled **)** | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Member Variables ---------------- - :ref:`bool` **fixed_process_parent** - :ref:`bool` **freeze_bodies** - :ref:`bool` **pause_animated_sprites** - :ref:`bool` **pause_animations** - :ref:`bool` **pause_particles** - :ref:`bool` **process_parent** Numeric Constants ----------------- - **ENABLER_FREEZE_BODIES** = **1** --- This enabler will freeze :ref:`RigidBody2D` nodes. - **ENABLER_PAUSE_ANIMATIONS** = **0** --- This enabler will pause :ref:`AnimationPlayer` nodes. - **ENABLER_PAUSE_PARTICLES** = **2** --- This enabler will stop :ref:`Particles2D` nodes. - **ENABLER_PAUSE_ANIMATED_SPRITES** = **5** - **ENABLER_PARENT_PROCESS** = **3** --- This enabler will stop the parent's _process function. - **ENABLER_PARENT_FIXED_PROCESS** = **4** --- This enabler will stop the parent's _fixed_process function. - **ENABLER_MAX** = **6** Description ----------- The VisibilityEnabler2D will disable :ref:`RigidBody2D`, :ref:`AnimationPlayer`, and other nodes when they are not visible. It will only affect other nodes within the same scene as the VisibilityEnabler2D itself. Member Function Description --------------------------- .. _class_VisibilityEnabler2D_is_enabler_enabled: - :ref:`bool` **is_enabler_enabled** **(** :ref:`int` enabler **)** const Returns whether the specified enabler was set to true or not. .. _class_VisibilityEnabler2D_set_enabler: - void **set_enabler** **(** :ref:`int` enabler, :ref:`bool` enabled **)** Set an enabler to true for all nodes of its type to be disabled when the VisibilityEnabler2D is not in view. See the constants for enablers and what they affect.