.. Generated automatically by doc/tools/makerst.py in Godot's source tree. .. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, but the doc/base/classes.xml source instead. .. _class_STTQueue: STTQueue ======== **Inherits:** :ref:`Reference` **<** :ref:`Object` **Category:** Core Brief Description ----------------- Stores keywords obtained through speech recognition. Member Functions ---------------- +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | void | :ref:`clear` **(** **)** | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`bool` | :ref:`empty` **(** **)** | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`String` | :ref:`get` **(** **)** | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`int` | :ref:`get_capacity` **(** **)** | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | void | :ref:`set_capacity` **(** :ref:`int` capacity **)** | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`int` | :ref:`size` **(** **)** | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Numeric Constants ----------------- - **DEFAULT_KWS_CAPACITY** = **100** --- Default capacity for the keywords queue. Description ----------- Wrapper for a queue datatype. Typically stores keywords from speech recognition. Member Function Description --------------------------- .. _class_STTQueue_clear: - void **clear** **(** **)** Clears all keywords in the queue, leaving it with a size of 0. .. _class_STTQueue_empty: - :ref:`bool` **empty** **(** **)** Returns ``true`` if the keywords queue is empty, or ``false`` otherwise. .. _class_STTQueue_get: - :ref:`String` **get** **(** **)** Removes and returns the first element in the keywords queue. If the queue is empty, returns an empty :ref:`String` (``""``). .. _class_STTQueue_get_capacity: - :ref:`int` **get_capacity** **(** **)** Returns the current queue capacity. .. _class_STTQueue_set_capacity: - void **set_capacity** **(** :ref:`int` capacity **)** Sets the queue capacity as the specified value. Must be >= 0. If the new capacity exceeds the current number of elements in the queue, a warning message is printed, but no further actions are made. .. _class_STTQueue_size: - :ref:`int` **size** **(** **)** Returns how many keywords are in the queue.