.. Generated automatically by doc/tools/makerst.py in Godot's source tree. .. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, but the doc/base/classes.xml source instead. .. _class_SpotLight: SpotLight ========= **Inherits:** :ref:`Light` **<** :ref:`VisualInstance` **<** :ref:`Spatial` **<** :ref:`Node` **<** :ref:`Object` **Category:** Core Brief Description ----------------- Spotlight :ref:`Light`, such as a reflector spotlight or a lantern. Member Variables ---------------- - :ref:`float` **spot_angle** - :ref:`float` **spot_angle_attenuation** - :ref:`float` **spot_attenuation** - :ref:`float` **spot_range** Description ----------- A SpotLight light is a type of :ref:`Light` node that emits lights in a specific direction, in the shape of a cone. The light is attenuated through the distance and this attenuation can be configured by changing the energy, radius and attenuation parameters of :ref:`Light`. TODO: Image of a spotlight.