.. Generated automatically by doc/tools/makerst.py in Godot's source tree. .. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, but the doc/base/classes.xml source instead. .. _class_ConcavePolygonShape2D: ConcavePolygonShape2D ===================== **Inherits:** :ref:`Shape2D` **<** :ref:`Resource` **<** :ref:`Reference` **<** :ref:`Object` **Category:** Core Brief Description ----------------- Concave polygon 2D shape resource for physics. Member Functions ---------------- +--------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`PoolVector2Array` | :ref:`get_segments` **(** **)** const | +--------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | void | :ref:`set_segments` **(** :ref:`PoolVector2Array` segments **)** | +--------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Member Variables ---------------- - :ref:`PoolVector2Array` **segments** Description ----------- Concave polygon 2D shape resource for physics. It is made out of segments and is very optimal for complex polygonal concave collisions. It is really not advised to use for :ref:`RigidBody2D` nodes. A CollisionPolygon2D in convex decomposition mode (solids) or several convex objects are advised for that instead. Otherwise, a concave polygon 2D shape is better for static collisions. The main difference between a :ref:`ConvexPolygonShape2D` and a :ref:`ConcavePolygonShape2D` is that a concave polygon assumes it is concave and uses a more complex method of collision detection, and a convex one forces itself to be convex in order to speed up collision detection. Member Function Description --------------------------- .. _class_ConcavePolygonShape2D_get_segments: - :ref:`PoolVector2Array` **get_segments** **(** **)** const Return the array of segments. .. _class_ConcavePolygonShape2D_set_segments: - void **set_segments** **(** :ref:`PoolVector2Array` segments **)** Set the array of segments.